Tony Abbott is a liar and a bully. He has no respect, ripping 80 billion dollars out of education and healthcare.
Julia Orwell
JoinedPosts by Julia Orwell
Tony Abbott
by zound injust thought this was interesting - people in positions of power have the same insincere don't give a **** attitude no matter what organisation - religious or otherwise.. this letter of a young boy to australian pm tony abbott about gay marriage and the response reminded me so much of my letters to bethel and many other people's.
the response has the same tone as watchtower responses..
it's not as sensational as his other antics that have been in the news lately, but that formulatic don't give a shit letter reminded me of wt..
Unbalanced way of thinking?
by msconcerned inso, one hot beautiful (not a cloud in the sky) kind of summer day, there was an elder who decided to re shingle his house.
this was on the book study day.
he started early and got all the shingles off of the roof in time for the book study that night.
Julia Orwell
That is unbalanced. Fanatic.
I am on the edge of a freak out ..... I think???
by DATA-DOG inso the rc really sucked, but i made it through.
the propaganda was mind blowing.
i don't know if the crap will be available on the official website or not, but hopefully it gets leaked somehow.
Julia Orwell
My heart pours out for you bro! You are on the edge of a freak out. You are living a lie and it's tearing you apart. You can't keep going on like this. It's only gonna get worse for your mental health. Believe me, I had several melt downs when I was a jw.
It's probably time to make a stand. Of course I'm not in your situation so can't tell you what to do, especially since your daughter is involved. Perhaps you should talk to a counselor or Steve Hassan. You need some coping mechanisms in place.
An update on shunning (at the store).
by quellycatface ini was called into a meeting by one of the department managers last week.
i had a meeting this morning.. anyway, to cut a long story short.
the people involved in this will be called into a private meeting and spoken to.
Julia Orwell
Good work! The more people know about the true character of this cult the better. Who cares if there's a local needs part and the jw workers quit and are viewed as martyrs. Their loss. The important thing is you've struck a blow for basic human decency.
WT Doctrine, Population rather than Generation
by VM44 inthe watchtower has forced a rather strange interpretation of the word "generation" in order to keep their doctrinal beliefs concerning the year 1914 consistent with the words of jesus "this generation will not pass...".
however, the watchtower's "overlapping" definition of the word generation is strange and unnatural to common use.
according to the watchtower, a grandfather, son, and grandson all living at the same time would make up a single generation.
Julia Orwell
Good point. I wonder if subsequent Nwt translations would change the wording from generation to population.
How old were you when you left the Watchtower - SURVEY
by usualusername ini believe that the older you are the harder it is to leave the watchtower.. .
i am attempting to get a list of ages people learnt the "truth" and what age they left.. .
Julia Orwell
In at about 16, out at 32. No family holding me in when I learned ttatt at 32.
International non-intervention in Syrian conflict and God's non-intervention
by yadda yadda 2 inthrowing this out there for discussion:.
why do atheists curse god for not intervening in humankind's affairs to prevent or mitigate suffering and evil, yet the world stands by and basically lets syria get torn apart year by year with thousands of innocent adults and children dying, and millions having to flee their country, without the world intervening to end that terrible suffering?
a whole generation of syrian children have been brutalised or traumatised by this never ending conflict.. the world, united states, russia, china, etc, say there is no moral right for any exernal nation to intervene in this internal syrian political conflict/war citing that it is right of each sovereign nation to self-determine it's own affairs.
Julia Orwell
Syria has no oil. If it did, like Libya, something would have been done, like in Libya.
LIVE from Ford Field international DO
by darth frosty injust wanted to show the activity in downtown detroit from the convention.
trafic is on jam!.
lots of people .
Julia Orwell
Bloody hell those guys on the platform of that station remind me of goons in suits or North Korean tourist minders.
Heads Up: If you are an older JW, WT has no further use for you!
by AndDontCallMeShirley inwt is retiring district overseers, has sent older jws serving at bethel packing despite years of faithful service, and as of june 1, 2014, has announced that any elder that has reached 80 years of age is no longer valued or wanted as a cobe.
in wt land it would appear that older people have little or no value, and wt sees no reason to use them in any meaningful capacity.
i wonder how this makes older ones feel after devoting their lives to wt's interests while shelving their own hopes and dreams?.
Julia Orwell
Totalitarian regimes regularly purge older and long time serving members in order to cement th their power and remove any chance of opposition. Look up Stalin's purges. Also the young Kim Jong Un who got power a few years ago in north Korea has purged some top brass. This gb is becoming more like a totalitarian regime so this move does not surprise me. Read Animal Farm. The pigs are turning human.
Australian Government publishes on official web site the current Jehovah's Witnesses "Handling of Child Abuse" confidential letter to all bodies of elders (October 1, 2012)
by jwleaks inthe current jehovah's witnesses official child abuse handling procedure letter to all bodies of elders (october 1, 2012) has been placed into public domain by the australian (victoria) government "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious oganisations".. official government web site link to letter:.
short link:.
Julia Orwell
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! You're talking about trying to navigate an Australian government website for useful information? You'll be there a while!